lying down


lying down 的定义

  1. see take lying down. Also see lie down.

lying down 近义词

lying down

等同于 resting

lying down

等同于 kick back

lying down

等同于 lie

lying down

等同于 relax

lying down

等同于 repose

lying down

等同于 rest

lying down

等同于 turn in

lying down

等同于 fall

更多lying down例句

  1. Clad in a blue, striped button-down, a silver watch adorning his left wrist, Huckabee beams on the cover.
  2. That article noted that the F-35 does not currently have the ability to down-link live video to ground troops,.
  3. A grand juror in the Ferguson case is suing to be able to explain exactly what went down in the courtroom.
  4. The gunman then burst from the restaurant and fled down the street with the other man.
  5. My doctor insisted that once I filed this piece I lie down on my bed and not get out.
  6. The bride elect rushes up to him, and so they both step down to the foot-lights.
  7. This, however, did not apply to the waters lying directly around the Poloe and Flatland groups.
  8. I take the Extream Bells, and set down the six Changes on them thus.
  9. His wife stood smiling and waving, the boys shouting, as he disappeared in the old rockaway down the sandy road.
  10. So he bore down on the solemn declaration that she stood face to face with a prison term for perjury.